PAT A1095 Cars on Campus (30分) (模拟问题)
条评论PAT甲级:A1095 Cars on Campus (30分)
Zhejiang University has 8 campuses and a lot of gates. From each gate we can collect the in/out times and the plate numbers of the cars crossing the gate. Now with all the information available, you are supposed to tell, at any specific time point, the number of cars parking on campus, and at the end of the day find the cars that have parked for the longest time period.
Input Specification:
Each input file contains one test case. Each case starts with two positive integers N (≤104), the number of records, and K (≤8×104) the number of queries. Then N lines follow, each gives a record in the format:
1 | plate_number hh:mm:ss status |
where plate_number
is a string of 7 English capital letters or 1-digit numbers; hh:mm:ss
represents the time point in a day by hour:minute:second, with the earliest time being 00:00:00
and the latest 23:59:59
; and status
is either in
or out
Note that all times will be within a single day. Each in
record is paired with the chronologically next record for the same car provided it is an out
record. Any in
records that are not paired with an out
record are ignored, as are out
records not paired with an in
record. It is guaranteed that at least one car is well paired in the input, and no car is both in
and out
at the same moment. Times are recorded using a 24-hour clock.
Then K lines of queries follow, each gives a time point in the format hh:mm:ss
. Note: the queries are given in ascending order of the times.
Output Specification:
For each query, output in a line the total number of cars parking on campus. The last line of output is supposed to give the plate number of the car that has parked for the longest time period, and the corresponding time length. If such a car is not unique, then output all of their plate numbers in a line in alphabetical order, separated by a space.
Sample Input:
1 | 16 7 |
Sample Output:
1 | 1 |
- 题意:浙江大学有8个校区和多个大门,每个门口都会记录车辆的进出时间,现在给定一天内车辆进出记录,要求根据指定时间输出当时的停车数量,最后输出停车时长最久的车辆。注:每辆车的进出记录都是匹配的,那些未匹配的记录将被舍弃。同时保证没有车辆在同一时刻进出。
- 分析:因为存在无效的记录,因此先把有效记录筛选出来,同时记录停车时长最久的车牌号。之后将有效记录按照时间顺序排序。最后,查询某一时刻的停车数时,如果总是遍历一遍记录,那不用试,肯定会超时的,所以先遍历一遍有效记录,将每个时刻的车辆数都记录下来,最后使用二分查找查找。记录数量的方式:在结构体中用
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