PTA数据结构与算法题目集(中文): 7-46 新浪微博热门话题 (30分)
第一行输出被最多条微博提到的话题,第二行输出其被提到的微博条数。如果这样的话题不唯一,则输出按字母序最小的话题,并在第三行输出And k more ...
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| 4 This is a #test of topic#. Another #Test of topic.# This is a #Hot# #Hot# topic Another #hot!# #Hot# topic
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| #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; struct node { int cnt; string topic; }; bool cmp(node &a, node &b) { return a.cnt != b.cnt ? a.cnt > b.cnt : a.topic < b.topic; } string parse(string s, string &outputTopic) { string ans, it; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { if (isalnum(s[i])) it += s[i]; if (!isalnum(s[i]) || i == s.length() - 1) { if (it != "") { for (int j = 0; j < it.length(); j++) { ans += tolower(it[j]); outputTopic += tolower(it[j]); } outputTopic += ' '; it = ""; } } } outputTopic[0] = toupper(outputTopic[0]); outputTopic.erase(outputTopic.end() - 1); return ans; } int main() { int n, k = 0; string s; scanf("%d", &n); unordered_map<string, int> cnt; getchar(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { getline(cin, s); unordered_map<string, bool> exist; bool flag = false; int start = 0; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { if (s[i] == '#') { if (flag) { string originalTopic = s.substr(start, i - start), outputTopic; string lowerTopic = parse(originalTopic, outputTopic); if (!exist[lowerTopic]) { exist[lowerTopic] = true; cnt[outputTopic]++; } flag = false; continue; } start = i + 1; flag = true; } } } vector<node> ans; for (auto it : cnt) ans.push_back({it.second, it.first}); sort(ans.begin(), ans.end(), cmp); printf("%s\n%d\n", ans[0].topic.c_str(), ans[0].cnt); for (int i = 1; i < ans.size(); i++) { if (ans[i].cnt != ans[0].cnt) break; k++; } if (k != 0) printf("And %d more ...", k); return 0; }