Ubuntu 启动中的 grub 错误
条评论error: ubuntu error symbol ‘grub_calloc’ not found
原因:系统引导文件出错 -> grub无法找到引导文件 -> 无法进入系统
What is GRUB?
- GRUB is acronym for GRand Unified Bootloader.
GRUB is a complete program for loading and managing the boot process. It is the most common bootloader for Linux distributions. A bootloader is the first software that runs when a computer starts. It loads the kernel of the operating system and then the kernel initializes the rest of the operating system: shell, display manager, desktop environment, etc.
ubuntu error symbol ‘grub_calloc’ not found
- 插入安装linux系统的启动盘,然后不要安装系统,进入ubuntu微系统。
- 进入终端;
- 在终端输入:
1 | Change the password of `root`. |
[1]: Boot-Repair - Community Help Wiki (ubuntu.com)
[2]: linux系统安装 ubuntu error symbol‘grub_calloc’not found_moriarty_jack的博客-CSDN博客
- 本文链接:https://blog.charjin.top/2022/10/27/linux/ubuntu-boot/
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